That is what a partner in the petroleum practice of a major investment fund told the recent Oil Council Latin American assembly in Bogotá. (So-called Chatham House Rules prevent us from identifying either the individual or his company.)
To view or download the pdf form of our late 2013 Quick Pulse Survey.
We start this month with a long and important essay by Luis Ernesto Mejía Castro, HCC contributor and ex-MinMinas, on the current anxieties of the industry in Colombia.
Communities and CSRA recurring topic, the Minister of Mines and Energy (MinMinas), Amylkar Acosta Media said that advances in training facilities in Meta will mean oil companies no longer have a valid excuse to not hire labor from the local communities.
This month has fewer articles so we can devote more space to our first Quick Pulse survey, conducted in late December.
Click on the icon below to download the presentation in pdf format.
In 2014, Colombians will elect a new president even if the new president is the present one, Juan Manuel Santos. There are a range of candidates from the far left to the right but President Santos is currently leading the polls.
This month the centerpiece is a debate between Pacific Rubiales José Francisco Arata and environmentalist Juan Pablo Ruiz Soto on the issue of whether extractive industries are incompatible with sound environmental management: well worth reading.
Hydrocarbons Colombia organized a debate on environmental management in the hydrocarbons industry between two Colombian heavyweights: environmentalist Juan Pablo Ruiz Soto (the only Colombian to have climbed Mount Everest) and Jose Francisco Arata, president of Colombia’s largest entirely shareholder-owned oil company, Pacific Rubiales.
Our Inner Circle Monthly Report for November 2013 marks the start of our second year of operation.