Government negotiators and Farc spokespersons announced that a new peace agreement had been achieved. However, I wonder if this really means that we are closer to the post-conflict in Colombia or whether this is still way off in the distance.
This week we temporarily merge our ‘From our analyst’s desk’ and ‘What we think’ features to analyze what you think.
Caquetá represents the new frontier for oil production in Colombia, a region with promising potential to develop reserves and a basin without much activity thus far, especially if the armed conflict ceases.
This week we published a press release by the senator from Meta, Maritza Martínez where she accused the recently-approved royalties budget of being unfair to Llanos producers including her home department.
Last week’s main story was on royalties because the Senate had summoned the Finance and Mining ministries in to explain themselves.
Last week we discussed changes in natural gas production but skipped over the evolution of demand. The research unit of the Ministry of Mines and Energy, UPME, recently published its 2016 overview of the natural gas market, and broke down how consumption of gas has fared in different economic sectors.
I have already written about the recent Semana / ANH conference on offshore exploration and development, expressing my concerns about what I heard on gas strategy.
Gas pipelines are an emerging policy issue. Furthermore, there are a number of investment funds looking for infrastructure opportunities including pipelines. That got us thinking about where they should be built.
Sitting around the HCC editorial offices on Friday afternoon, the Analyst was looking for something to write about for this week’s column. He was suffering a rare case of writer’s – or better – analyst’s block.
I was at the ANH/Semana Forum on offshore exploration last week. It was worth attending although more directed at the general public than the industry.