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Downstream & Pricing

Temporary Cusiana road with metal bridges

The provisional passage of vehicles on the Cusiana road, Los Grillos sector, between Sogamoso (Boyacá) and Aguazul (Casanare), will be enabled in the third week of December, announced the director of the National Institute of Roads (Invías), Mercedes Elena Gómez Villamarín.

Wednesday, December 6th, 2023

Eliminating gasoline taxes?

The cost of gasoline is taking its toll on households, impacting the purchasing power of Colombians. In response to the growing impact on consumers, a proposed bill was submitted to the House of Representatives aiming to eliminate national taxes and VAT on gasoline.

Wednesday, December 6th, 2023

Proposed bill aims to eliminate fuels taxes

A new legislative proposal has been submitted to the House of Representatives, aiming to eradicate the taxes imposed on gasoline and diesel in Colombia.

Tuesday, November 28th, 2023
Government talks gasoline price hike

Government talks gasoline price hike

In Colombia, the escalating price of gasoline has emerged as a critical point of contention in discussions concerning the future trajectory of President Petro’s macroeconomic policies.

Thursday, November 23rd, 2023

Concerns over changes to ECP’s statutes

Amid revelations that the President of Ecopetrol Ricardo Roa aims to modify the company’s statutes to gain access to the board of directors, there has been a growing discussion within the Colombian Congress.

Thursday, November 16th, 2023

Discussion on diesel price effects on inflation

The government is set to engage in discussions with cargo and passenger transport unions concerning the diesel price adjustment.

Thursday, November 16th, 2023

Subsidy ceiling for propane

The Ministry of Mines and Energy (MinEnergia) raised the ceiling price for subsidies provided through public utility companies to over 200,000 lower-income households in strata 1 and 2 of the rural sector and ethnically diverse populations.

Tuesday, November 14th, 2023
Fuel prices in November

Fuel prices in November

The Ministry of Mines and Energy (MinEnergia) announced fuel prices for November 2023. Here are the details.

Tuesday, November 7th, 2023

Tax reform and FEPC deficit

The Minister of Finance (MinHacienda), Ricardo Bonilla, talked about the resources collected in the 2022 tax reform to cover the Fuel Prices Stability Fund (FEPC) deficit.

Monday, November 6th, 2023

Discussions on diesel price

The Colombian government, led by President Petro, has launched discussions on the price of diesel in the country.

Thursday, November 2nd, 2023