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Government activates new platform for environmental licensing

June 8, 2012 Business newspaper reports that the Ministry of Environment, the Autonomous Regional Corporations and the National Agency for Environmental Licenses (Anla) signed an inter-departmental partnership to implement and operate a technological platform that will streamline the process to apply for environmental permits throughout the country.

Sunday, June 10th, 2012

Pacific Rubiales merges Meta Petroleum, Quifa and Tethys by absorption

June 7, 2012 It was widely reported in the Colombian business press that the May 31st board of Pacific Rubiales Energy Corp, approved the merger of firms Meta Petroleum Corp., Quifa Petroleum Ltd.

Sunday, June 10th, 2012

The National Hydrocarbons Agency revokes Montco Energy contracts

The National Hydrocarbons Agency(ANH) has rescinded contracts initially awarded to the firm Montco Energy in the 2010 Round for exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons.

Sunday, June 10th, 2012

Ecopetrol will learn techniques to extract heavy oil from India

June 1, 2012 Indian news site LiveMint reports that Oil and Natural Gas Corp. Ltd. (ONGC) and Ecopetrol have signed a technical agrement.

Monday, June 4th, 2012

Colombian Tecnicontrol passes to French ownership

May 31, 2012 From Bureau Veritas Press Release… Bureau Veritas is pleased to announce it has acquired all the shares of Tecnicontrol, a Colombian company providing technical inspections, quality assurance & quality control, non-destructive testing

Monday, June 4th, 2012

Oil service companies from Calgary, Canada, are interested in extending their activities in Colombia.

June 3, 2012 It is widely reported in the Colombian press that Monica Rovers, Director of Business Department for Energy for the Region of the Americas of the Economic Development Agency of Calgary, will lead a mission of 11 petroleum services companies to Bogota.

Monday, June 4th, 2012

Massive Response in Beijing to ANH Inviatation to Road Show 2012

27/03/2012 This March 27th in Beijing, more than 50 companies attended the invitation extended by the ANH and participated in the Road Show 2012.

Monday, May 28th, 2012

What Gets Measured Gets Done: A Modest Proposal to Help Resolve the Colombian Environmental Permits Issue

It’s hard to talk to anyone in the Colombian oil industry these days without getting an earful on the problem of environmental permits.

Monday, May 28th, 2012

Standardization and clear rules, commitment to streamline processes: ANLA

Standardization and clear rules, commitment to streamline processes: ANLA Cartagena, May 18, 2012. The director of the National Environmental Licensing Authority -Anla-Luz Elena Sarmiento explained the need and commitment to create standards, criteria and clear rules to optimize the environmental licensing process.

Sunday, May 27th, 2012
Beatriz Uribe takes the reins of the National Mining Agency

Beatriz Uribe takes the reins of the National Mining Agency

May 25, 2012 It is widely reported in the Colombian press that Beatriz Uribe, until recently the Minister of Housing will become President of the National Mining Agency.

Saturday, May 26th, 2012