Ecopetrol (NYSE: EC) announced that it will develop a drill to be able to respond to potential emergencies at its Cupiagua field in a timely manner way.
Industry associations spoke about what Colombia loses with every terrorist attack that takes place in oil regions, calling for authorities to increase security measures in the territories. The development of these and other stories in our periodic Security summary.
Locals in Tauramena (Casanare) voted against the development of oil activities in their territory. The State Council and Casanare’s Administrative Court, however, denied the validity of the popular consultation.
The union sent a list of petitions to Ecopetrol’s (NYSE:EC) subsidiary, Cenit. Here are the details.
The UN’s Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) warned about a possible humanitarian crisis in the department of Chocó.
Local authorities denounced that the department of La Guajira is suffering a serious situation due to lack of gasoline. They asked for measures to solve this problem.
The development of the deepest offshore well in Latin America will take place next year in Colombia, the president of the National Hydrocarbons Agency (ANH), Luis Miguel Morelli, said.
The union spoke about its potential participation as supervisors in upcoming Research Pilot Projects (PPII) for unconventional resources.
The National Environmental Licensing Agency (ANLA) hosted a forum together with the Earlham Institute and the GROW Colombia Organization, to evaluate the root cause of social issues in the territories. This is what the entities’ concluded.
Not everything about the post-conflict process involves threats from former guerrilla leaders to the government. These are some of the successful projects that former Farc members were proud to announce.