Moody’s Investors Service changed its outlook for the global oil and gas sector.
Europe is facing a natural gas, coal, and oil crisis due to sanctions against Russia, generating concerns and debate.
The International Energy Agency (IEA) cut its oil demand projection for this year.
JPMorgan Chase & Co. talked about oil demand and its downward trend.
The White House announced measures to help cut gas prices and fight inflation.
The National Association of Colombian Entrepreneurs (ANDI) spoke about relevant issues in the energy sector.
Oil transportation rates from Russia have skyrocketed due to the sanctions imposed on the country.
The Colombian Chamber of Oil, Gas and Energy (Campetrol) and the Colombian Petroleum Association (ACP) announced their outlook for development and exploratory drilling.
Brigitte Baptiste, Rector of EAN University, spoke about the country’s environmental challenges and the possibility of ending the oil sector.
US oil drillers have problems to find sand to use for fracking operations.