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ODC’s strategy

This is the strategy that Oleoducto de Colombia (ODC) is implementing to increase the volume of crude that it currently transports.


Wednesday, September 11th, 2019

“We are ready to transport the oil produced through fracking”: ODC

Oleoducto de Colombia (ODC), which transports crude throughout the country, said it is ready to transport the additional oil that Ecopetrol (NYSE:EC) would produce, if the government decides to bet on fracking.


Monday, August 26th, 2019
Colombia to import natural gas?

Colombia to import natural gas?

The Colombian government has initiated a strategy to boost the exploration and production of hydrocarbons in the country, but concerns about loss of self-sufficiency continue. María Fernanda Suarez, Minister of Mines and Energy (MinEnergia), talked to the possibility of importing natural gas and the need for a new regasification plan in the Pacific.

Wednesday, August 7th, 2019

New private refinery in Colombia

The private sector is developing an ambitious project to build a new refinery in the country. The project received the resources needed through V.I.P Group International, a private investment fund in the US, and the construction phase could begin soon.

Wednesday, August 7th, 2019

Canacol’s Jobo – Cartagena pipeline expansion is completed

Canacol Energy’s (TSX:CNE) CEO, Charle Gamba, spoke about the completion of the firm’s gas pipeline in the Colombian Caribbean.


Monday, July 29th, 2019
Ocensa fight continues

Ocensa fight continues

Ocensa, the largest oil pipeline in Colombia, announced an increase in transport prices, generating controversy in the sector. This “fight” between oil companies and Ocensa continues and government representatives spoke on this issue.

Tuesday, July 23rd, 2019

New pipeline?

Constant attacks on Coveñas – Caño Limón (CCL) brought back an old project that has the potential to safely transport the oil produced in Arauca’s fields.


Wednesday, July 3rd, 2019

Ocensa: 25 years of service

For 25 years, Colombia’s Central Oil Pipeline (Ocensa) has transported more than 3.5Bbl throughout the country.

Wednesday, June 26th, 2019
Second phase of CNE pipeline

Second phase of CNE pipeline

Promigas is building a pipeline for Canacol Energy (TSX: CNE) and this project is progressing quickly. Promigas representatives spoke about the second stage of this important project and its possible delivery date.

Wednesday, May 29th, 2019

ELN attacks Bicentenario and CCL

Authorities confirmed that the ELN attacked the Bicentenario and Coveñas / Caño Limon (CCL) pipelines, causing a halt in activities.


Thursday, May 23rd, 2019