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Downstream & Pricing

Better but still bad

Better but still bad

The graph shows Ecopetrol’s attributed Net Income to its Refining and Petrochemicals line of business for the full year 2014 and prior years. The good news is that things are not as bad as last year. The bad news is fairly obvious: it still lost nearly US$450M.

Thursday, March 5th, 2015
Fuel prices fall for fourth straight month

Fuel prices fall for fourth straight month

The price of fuel in Colombia fell for the fourth straight month, but the Ministry of Mines and Energy (MinMInas) says that a weak peso against the dollar continues to keep the fall modest.

Tuesday, March 3rd, 2015
Government drops fuel prices ahead of schedule for March

Government drops fuel prices ahead of schedule for March

In an apparent effort to avoid a truckers strike and ward off critics of its fuel pricing policy, the central government made a surprise announcement to cut both diesel and gasoline prices by CoP$300 (US$0.12), bringing gasoline to its lowest level in almost five years.

Wednesday, February 25th, 2015
The great gas debate revives

The great gas debate revives

“Let’s do the time warp again!” One of the protagonists has changed and at last the government has weighed in but it still feels like 2013 all over again with Naturgas saying there is plenty of gas and an industry association, now the ACP, saying there is not.

Thursday, February 19th, 2015
Price Impact: PRE LNG Plant, Amerisur Capex, USO fuels concerns

Price Impact: PRE LNG Plant, Amerisur Capex, USO fuels concerns

The drop in the oil price has spurred dramatic cuts in the investment plans of Colombia’s most important operators, but there is a long ripple effect that the price fall has on the communities, junior operators and side projects that go beyond the big headlines. Here is a summary of some of the more relevant stories to emerge over the last week or so.

Monday, February 16th, 2015
Keeping Ecopetrol whole

Keeping Ecopetrol whole

On Tuesday we published our index graph of retail fuel prices through February and the average of WTI and Brent in pesos as a proxy for the price of a barrel of oil. We noted that retail prices were 20 to 30% above where they were in January 2010 even though crude prices were 15% below.

Thursday, February 5th, 2015

Now 14 biofuel plants Colombia

Over the last three years the biofuels industry has seen an expansion of its production capacity, now with 14 plants, four of which that have been built in this period.

Sunday, February 1st, 2015
The mythical mystical WTI-Brent gap and the oil price slide

The mythical mystical WTI-Brent gap and the oil price slide

Crude oil price benchmarks WTI and Brent are not identical so there is a gap. Some think the gap has some physical meaning. Others believe it is tautological: the consequence of different economic forces acting on each benchmark price.

Thursday, January 29th, 2015
Still not touching bottom

Still not touching bottom

We are not yet plumbing new depths – prices have been lower even in this century, even since the founding of the ANH – but likewise there is little beyond perhaps wishful thinking that this is going to stop soon.

Tuesday, January 27th, 2015

Exchange rate raises questions on biofuels

The use of US Dollars as a reference for biofuels has meant a substantial increase in the cost of these fuels, raising doubts as to whether increasing the mixture of biofuels in diesels or gasoline is an economically sound decision.

Monday, January 19th, 2015