The Housing Secretary of Meta, Martha Serrano spoke about the relocation of a gas pipeline in Cumaral.
Ecopetrol (NYSE: EC) reported the value of contracts with local companies in Casanare during December 2020.
The USO talked the possibility of implementing unconventional techniques in the country.
Or why Hacienda likes the idea of ECP diversifying away from oil and gas: It does not seem to do them very well.
The union spoke about the possible deal between Ecopetrol (NYSE: EC) and ISA.
Campetrol address the current operational blockades in Meta.
Inhabitants started protests against Ecopetrol (NYSE: EC). Here are the details.
Ecopetrol (NYSE: EC) continues to advance in the development of the first Fracking Pilot Project (PPII) in Colombia. The company officially presented the Kale project to communities.
Recently, I came across several articles, reports and webinars dealing with the special challenges of women in the oil and gas industry. Then I interviewed Marianna Boza, O&G and Mining Head at of Brigard Urrutia and one of the driving forces behind the Colombian chapter of Women in Oil and Gas, an initiative to bring greater gender equity to the sector.
The NOC announced the delivery of sustainable housing in the Caribbean region. This and other Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) stories in our periodic summary.