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Tanker truck routes affected by agricultural protests

The primary problem is that at the main routes out of the Llanos and the Upper Magdalena Valley basin to Barrancabermeja and the Atlantic coast via Bogotá remain blocked. See the complete list of relevant blockages.

Tuesday, August 27th, 2013
Cost trend reverses in 2013

Cost trend reverses in 2013

Our estimate of the average operating cost per barrel (based on realized oil price minus netback) has fallen for the last two quarters, having demonstrated a long term uptrend over the previous four years.

Tuesday, August 27th, 2013

Petroecuador signs transport agreement with Colombian oil producers

Ecuador’s NOC Petroecuador has signed an agreement with a handful of Colombia oil producers to transport crude from the Colombia-Ecuador border to the Amazonas station of the OCP Ecuador pipeline.

Tuesday, August 27th, 2013

MinAmbiente details 2013 installment of water conservation campaign

The Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development has announced the continuation of a responsible water use campaign as well as dates in September to clean water bodies and sources in 9 Colombian cities.

Monday, August 26th, 2013

Strike mania in the USO

The of agricultural workers’ strike has been a boon for the USO, which over the last week sought to link its ongoing negotiations in Cartagena and elsewhere with the ongoing national strike.

Monday, August 26th, 2013
Other Priortities

Other Priortities

Incidents near areas of interest to the oil and gas industry were up again this week to 27 but that is slightly above recent but below long-term averages. This was a below average week for non-armed forces reported/guerrilla-initiated incidents. Despite this week’s rise our 4-week Moving Average incident count dropped to 22.5 and the 52 week average dropped as well to 37.3 incidents per week.

Monday, August 26th, 2013

National strike into its second week, more than 30 roadways blocked

The national strike, led by coffee and agricultural workers, is now into its second week and as many as 33 national highways remain blocked due to protests throughout the country.

Monday, August 26th, 2013
August expected to break production records again

August expected to break production records again

Between the beginning of July through August 21, average daily oil production has reached 1,037,000bd, which would mean a new record for August, energy deputy minister Orlando Cabrales was quoted as saying.

Friday, August 23rd, 2013

GeoPark enacting road safety program for drivers

The oil producer GeoPark says it will invest CoP$200M into a road safety program for the general public and drivers working in local, regional and national transportation programs. To date the program has trained 500 people, 300 of them who work as drivers.

Thursday, August 22nd, 2013

Former Casanare governor: oil industry has left little more than poverty

Once governor of the Casanare Department, Jorge Prieto says that the cons outweigh the pros when it comes to allowing oil extraction in Colombia’s regions. The direct benefits, such as royalties, have not reversed problems in producer regions and the industry in the end leaves them more vulnerable. We beg to differ.

Thursday, August 22nd, 2013