June 21, 2012 National newspaper ElTiempo.com quoted the head of the Large-Scale Mining Association, Claudia Jiménez Jaramillo as saying the growth of the mining locomotive needs stability in the rules precisely at a time when the global economy is in crisis and when registering declines in international prices of some commodities such as coal and gold.
June 22, 2012 More than 200 people demand outstanding payments from companies that performed seismic work in the area. National newspaper ElTiempo.com reports that inhabitants of four municipalities on Thursday blocked entry to an oil field located between Cantagallo (southern Bolivar) and Puerto Wilches (Santander).
June 22, 2012 Transport Minister, Miguel Peñaloza, told Dinero.com that this is being studied to maintain roads affected by heavy traffic:
June 22, 2012 Transport Minister, Miguel Peñaloza, told Dinero.com that this is being studied to maintain roads affected by heavy traffic: “oil was not supposed to be transported by trucks it is supposed to be transported by pipeline.”
June 25, 2012 The oil company, in partnership with other firms, presented the most competitive bids for oil exploration in six deepwater blocks. With this, Ecopetrol would increase its share to 122 blocks in this prospective oil basin.
June 25, 2012 Business newspaper LaRepublica.co reports union concerns about Ecopetrol spin-out Cenit. USO leader Rodolfo Vecinosays it is not good that Cenit will inherit a large network of Ecopetrol’s pipelines that transport most of its oil production, as these would become co-owned by the multinationals that are in the country.
June 25, 2012 In 4 months, it has dropped $ 30. On average, oil has earned less than budgeted by the Government. Lower demand for oil around the world, the slowdown in China, the crisis in Europe and the slow U.S. recovery, has begun to the accounts with which the Government budgeted for next year.
June 26, 2012 Business newspaper Portfolio.co and other sources in the global press report that Vale, has finalized the sale its thermal coal operations in the country for $ 407 million to a subsidiary of Colombian Natural Resources (a division of Goldman Sachs).
June 26, 2012 Business newspaper Portfolio.co and other sources in the global press report that Vale, has finalized the sale its thermal coal operations in the country for $ 407 million to a subsidiary of Colombian Natural Resources (a division of Goldman Sachs).
June 21, 2012 Portafolio.co reports that the new areas are located in the departments of Vichada