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MinAmbiente to work more closely with regional authorities

From a Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MinAmbiente) press release. Translated and with commentary by Hydrocarbons Colombia.

Wednesday, October 10th, 2012

Confusing incident in Cauca shows how far the state has to go

On Saturday October 6, 2o12 the Colombian Armed Forces killed three men and a woman, wounding a minor in a municipality known variously as El Bordo and La Patia which is in Technical Evaluation Block Cauca 6. These are perhaps the only facts we know for certain.

Wednesday, October 10th, 2012

August Colombian exports fall 7.6% year-over-year — Extractive sector down 17%

The Colombian Statistical Institute reports that Colombian exports fell 7.6% in August 2012 year-over-year because of a 17% drop in exports from the extractive industries. Crude oil exports were down 14.7% in volume.

Wednesday, October 10th, 2012
Security summary for week ending October 6, 2012

Security summary for week ending October 6, 2012

We have started tracking security events that could be important for the Oil and Gas. These are not necessarily direct attacks on oil and gas infrastructure but evidence of terrorist activity in zones of hydrocarbons interest. See our dedicated page here for a complete listing and methodology. We will only be publishing significant events and summaries in the Hydrocarbons Colombia page.

Monday, October 8th, 2012

USO strike in Meta blocks tanker trucks from leaving some sites — UPDATED2

October 3, 2012 13:30 Bogotá/Houston; 12:30 Calgary; 14:30 Toronto/New York; 19:30 London

The Petroleum Workers Union (USO) called for an industry-wide strike in the important oil department of Meta for today October 3, 2012.

Thursday, October 4th, 2012
Parex updates Colombia operations, confirms guidance of 13-14,000bpd by year end

Parex updates Colombia operations, confirms guidance of 13-14,000bpd by year end

Source: January-June MinMinas, Hydrocarbons Colombia; September 2012 from Parex
Parex Resources press release says that September production was 11,850bpd versus 10,300bpd in 2Q12. The company expressed confidence in hitting at least 13,000bpd assuming current operating conditions continue, especially the assumption that proven wells get approvals for production and that existing wells decline at the current observed rate.

Thursday, October 4th, 2012