Colombian business newspaper Portafolio interviewed Eduardo Pizano, head of the natural gas distributors association Naturgas.
Source: Financial Times and Hydrocarbons Colombia Staff
By: Frank Pearl Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development Bottom Line: The good thing about this article is that it mirrors what the Minister of Mines and Energy has been saying.
The Ministry of Mines and Energy announced that the first round of projects paid for by hydrocarbons and mining royalties have been approved.
Posted: Tuesday, July 31, 2012 03:45 PM The National Infrastructure Agency presented results compared to targets in the first half of 2012 for divided-highway construction and rehabilitation of existing highways, moving cargo in ports and railway concessions.
July 29, 2012 By Hydrocarbons Colombia Various Colombian news media are reporting that the Colombian Controller’s office — an independent organ of government similar to an Auditor General — is investigating Javier Genaro Gutierrez and other senior officials in connection with a pipeline failure in December 2011.