According to inhabitants of San Luis de Gaseno (Boyacá), having their water sources polluted by oil activities became ‘normal’ during the past three years.
The ELN’s negotiating team claimed to be committed to achieving peace. However, the armed group made several headlines recently due to terrorist attacks.
Authorities spoke about successful operations against fuel smuggling in the departments of Magdalena, Cauca and Arauca, among others. The development of these and other stories in our periodic Security summary.
Authorities have reported 11 attacks on the oil infrastructure this year. Most of them by the ELN.
The government of Ivan Duque wants to encourage oil sector growth, through the signing of new oil contracts. Colombian authorities and the industry have already signed new agreements, representing large investments. However, some factors could affect their development.
The union accused the NOC’s management of using outdated regulations to weaken the union.
The ELN said they want to restart the peace dialogues and are willing to renegotiate some of the Agreements, but their actions show otherwise.
Authorities reported the highest levels of oil theft back in 2001. This is what they did to bring the metric down significantly.
An anonymous reader sent me an email about our article on Venezuela from a week or so ago. He disagreed with the ACP’s conclusion that turmoil in Colombia’s neighbor was a big opportunity for our oil and gas sector. I concur with him.
President Duque insisted that the Cuban government should capture ELN members that are currently in Havana, but the international community thinks otherwise. Here are the details.