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Regulations & Policy

MinMins signs memo on renewable energies

The Ministry of Mines and Energy signed a memorandum of understanding with emission reductions organizations, Carbon War Room, during an event in the British Virgin Islands to encourage, implement and strengthen renewable energies in a policy view for the San Andrés Islands.

Monday, February 17th, 2014

Senator says oil, mining “incubating social and environmental tragedy”

The mining and energy boom has brought economic benefits says Senator Jose Name, who also charges that the industry has destabilized the Colombian peso, wrecked local agriculture and carries grave social and environmental risks.

Monday, February 17th, 2014

ANLA issues decree to simplify environmental studies

The National Environmental Licensing Authority (ANLA) has issued a decree that simplifies the requirements needed to gather specimens needed for environmental permitting and licenses, a step in the process whose catch-22 has dogged the environmental process for hydrocarbon companies.

Thursday, February 13th, 2014

DNP: Royalties no longer a “lottery”

The new royalty system is taking shape and receiving royalties is no longer “like winning the lottery”, resulting in car purchases and other extravagance, says the director of the National Planning Department (DNP) Tatyana Orozco.

Wednesday, February 12th, 2014

MinMinas: Colombia Round 2014 likely auctioned in two phases

The upcoming Colombia Round 2014 will likely have two phases in order to separate conventional and unconventional resources according to the Minister of Mines and Energy Amylkar Acosta.

Wednesday, February 12th, 2014

Environmentalist: water march will derail Santos mining/energy train

The upcoming march on February 20th to protest extractive industry activities near water sources will “derail the Santos’ destructive engine” says the president of Meta’s energy, mining and environmental committee, Timoteo Romero Morales.

Tuesday, February 11th, 2014

Peace Process week of February 3: Phone tapping rocks the boat

This week revelations that a clandestine group has been monitoring phone calls of those involved in the peace process on both sides has set off a storm of attention and controversy, with the Farc accusing former President Alvaro Uribe of being behind the spy program.

Thursday, February 6th, 2014

Government considering plate restrictions for oil tankers

Among the possible alternatives to ease transportation problems involving oil tanker-trucks are license plate restrictions that would limit when a specific truck could be on the roadway, while the authorities debate the controversial issue between different entities

Thursday, February 6th, 2014

Government looks to promote deep water drilling

As part of the Colombia Round 2014, the government wants to see greater activity in off shore deep water drilling, and the issue is one of the main objectives of the National Hydrocarbons Agency (ANH) for the upcoming bidding.

Thursday, February 6th, 2014

Colombia 2014 Round will include 97 blocks

The Colombia 2014 Round is advancing and the government is finishing the offer that it will take to the market, which includes 97 blocks that the National Hydrocarbons Agency (ANH) and Ministry of Mines and Energy (MinMinas) will be put onto the auction block.

Wednesday, February 5th, 2014