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Regulations & Policy

MinMinas says new fuel pricing policy must be gradual change

The Ministry of Mines and Energy (MinMinas) says that it is looking to achieve greater stability in the final price of fuel and issued a list of objectives for talks with the transportation sector. But it says the changes must be gradual and linked to market prices.

Tuesday, April 1st, 2014

ANH publishes unconventional rules

After receiving the signature of the Ministry of Mines and Energy Amylkar Acosta, the National Hydrocarbons Agency has published conditions and rules for E&P contracts involving unconventional resources.

Monday, March 31st, 2014

PetroPeru to float 49% share on Lima exchange

Peru’s NOC Petroperú has announced it will float 49% of its shares to public markets, opening the state run firm to private capital. What lessons are in this for Ecopetrol (NYSE:EC)?

Thursday, March 27th, 2014
MinMinas says 2014 looking bright, expects 240 exploratory wells drilled

MinMinas says 2014 looking bright, expects 240 exploratory wells drilled

The Colombian Minister of Mines and Energy, Amylkar Acosta, heralded an optimistic view for 2014, saying that not only are investors continuing to believe in Colombia’s potential, but also a potential record of exploratory wells, some 240, will be drilled this year.

Thursday, March 27th, 2014

MinMinas: lowering fuel prices unthinkable

As the date to announce fixed fuel prices for April approaches, pressure has increased on the national government to lower fuel prices, while the Minister of Mines and Energy Amylkar Acosta insists that the public should not be expecting further cuts.

Wednesday, March 26th, 2014

Industry associations meet to discuss referendums

Industry associations from mining, infrastructure and energy met and declared that they are “worried about the effects” of public referendums and social conflicts surrounding industry projects.

Thursday, March 20th, 2014

Eight more parks to protect against extraction

Citiing a UN agreement to protect 17% of the country’s land mass, authorities are looking to add eight more parks in La Guajira, Arauca, Meta, and Serranía de San Lucas, thus prohibiting any sort of extractive activities in the area.

Wednesday, March 19th, 2014

Governor says southern departments should join for royalty projects

Huila governor Carlos Mauricio Iriarte Barrios said that there is an opportunity for departments in Colombia’s south to join forces to become more competitive to win royalty projects that meet the needs of this region.

Tuesday, March 18th, 2014

USO set for fight with Ecopetrol

The USO has said that it has presented a new list of terms to Ecopetrol (NYSE:EC) which surround a number of policy changes and increased benefits, stances on several environmental issues, and will hold a vote among USO affiliated workers with the NOC on April 25, 2014, in order to demand a new collective bargaining agreement.

Sunday, March 16th, 2014

Olecar Pipeline moves forward

The Ministry of Mines and Energy and the infrastructure unit of Pacific Rubiales Energy (TSX:PRE) have penned the concession contract to build the Olecar Pipeline, another attempt to mitigate the complicated logistical scenario of sending crude to ports in tankers.

Thursday, March 13th, 2014