As we reported recently, what we have been calling the “Commission of Experts” published their final report. It is 173 pages (in Spanish obviously) and not exactly stimulating reading (which shows its scientific ‘cred’). We abridged the two recommendations chapters, 13 and 14, and translated them into English. We hope you find it useful.
The Commission of Experts published its final verdict on fracking, and the debate around this topic is starting to finally make sense. Here is why.
Bio D, a company that has been working in the production of palm biodiesel for the past 11 years, spoke about its plan to mitigate pollution problems in the country.
The National Environmental Licensing Agency (ANLA) met with TPL Colombia LTD to discuss new requirements for the Turpial project, located in the municipalities of Puerto Boyacá (Boyacá) and Puerto Triunfo (Antioquia).
The National Environmental Licensing Agency (ANLA) demanded that Tabasco Oil take its water catchment infrastructure out of the Ariporo River. Here are the details.
Ecopetrol (NYSE:EC) was able to start clean up activities in Teorama (Norte de Santander), after authorities reported another attack on Coveñas Caño Limon (CCL). The development of these and more stories in our periodic Eco summary.
Ecopetrol’s (NYSE:EC) Felipe Bayón said that the firm is working to accelerate the production of cleaner fuels, aimed at improving the air quality in Colombia.
Industry Associations took the stage of the ‘Colombia Genera’ (literally: Colombia Produces) forum, to have a fact-based conversation about fracking.
Ecopetrol (NYSE: EC) has several projects to develop in the country this year and pilot fracking projects are key to the firm. The NOC announced its plan on this issue.
The National Agency for Environmental Licenses (ANLA) ruled on the “Tambora production area” project, located in the municipality of Pueblo Nuevo in the department of Córdoba.