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Downstream & Pricing

Ecopetrol says a drop of CoP$1000 at the pump means company loss of US$1.75B

Ecopetrol’s president Javier Gutiérrez says that the NOC’s refining business is already operating at a lost in some cases and a drop in the final price between CoP$1000-2000 would mean losses for the company around US$1.75B.

Tuesday, September 3rd, 2013

How to get fuel prices down?

The price of fuel has emerged from the ongoing national strike as a central theme for discord. One proposal is to rehash the formula used to figure fuel prices and reduce taxes. Greater user of pipelines to transport crude also arose as a option.

Tuesday, September 3rd, 2013

Government recognizes trucker strike, to review Ecopetrol fuel prices

After a meeting between the members of the Finance, Mines and Energy and Transport ministries with the Colombian Truckers Association (ACC) the government has recognized the trucker’s national strike and found its demands to be valid.

Thursday, August 29th, 2013

ANIF: Mining-Energy boom could fizzle in 2-3 years

Colombia’s economy growth is “unbalanced” and slowing, and the increased supply of shale gas oil could tamper the boom in the country’s energy production in 2-3 years says Sergio Clavijo, director of Colombia’s National Association of Financial Institutions.

Tuesday, August 13th, 2013
What does the disappearing gap mean for Colombia oil prices?

What does the disappearing gap mean for Colombia oil prices?

After years of tracking very closely together, Brent separated from WTI in late 2010 and at one point in 2011, was nearly US$30. Last week the gap closed.

Sunday, July 21st, 2013
Flat first half for production

Flat first half for production

After a substantial run-up in production in the later months of 2012, oil production and for that matter, total production has been just about flat.

Monday, July 15th, 2013

One million new gas users since Santos took office

The Colombian government says one million new users have been connected to the natural gas network Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos took office in August 2010.

Monday, July 15th, 2013

Naturgas opposes public auction for wholesale gas, says will increase prices

The Natural Gas Association (Naturgas) says that proposed changes that would institute a system of public auctions to set wholesale prices as proposed by Colombia’s Energy Regulatory Commission and Gas – CREG would lead to price increases and opposes the system.

Thursday, July 11th, 2013
Crude export shift to Far East continues

Crude export shift to Far East continues

Every quarter Ecopetrol helpfully publishes the distribution of its crude oil exports. Other producers would have different profiles but considering the NOC’s size both in terms of production and commercialization, this is a good indicator of the country as a whole.

Thursday, June 20th, 2013

Colombian company converting palm oil wastewater to clean energy

Using methane gas derived from the treating of waste water from a palm oil refiner, the company CI Tequedama is able to create clean energy for its own use and sell the overage to the national energy network.

Wednesday, June 19th, 2013