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Bio-fuel offers fuel self-sufficiency hydrocarbons cannot provide, says association

The Colombian Federation of Bio-fuels (Fedebiocombustibles) published an analysis criticizing government policies that favor hydrocarbons because they look like they were formulated to benefit Ecopetrol (NYSE:EC) and its goals, rather than explore other alternatives like bio-fuels.

Wednesday, June 4th, 2014
Fuel prices stable in June, MinMinas insists no politics involved

Fuel prices stable in June, MinMinas insists no politics involved

The Ministry of Mines and Energy (MinMinas) released fuel prices for the month of June and immediately tried to counter skeptics that would question why the public price of fuel has stayed the same in an election season.

Tuesday, June 3rd, 2014
Cautious optimism ahead of El Niño

Cautious optimism ahead of El Niño

Rainfalls have fell short of expectations to keep hydro-energy on at full, but authorities say that the energy is well shielded against issues that could cause supply shortages, mainly due to a strong supply of gas. However generators do not want to see gas exports to Venezuela resume just yet.

Thursday, May 29th, 2014
Far East now Ecopetrol’s strongest market

Far East now Ecopetrol’s strongest market

The earnings statement of Ecopetrol (NYSE:EC) confirmed that the Asian market and Far East is now well installed as the prime receiving market for Colombian crude, and the Ministry of Mines and Energy says the trend is true for the mining industry as well.

Tuesday, May 20th, 2014
MinMinas lowers fuel prices in May as debate continues

MinMinas lowers fuel prices in May as debate continues

Fuel prices dropped in May as the Ministry of Mines and Energy adjusts its formula to set them, while the issue continues to gain traction on different fronts.

Wednesday, May 14th, 2014

As production goals slip, so increase concerns about sustainability

In order for Colombia to achieve self- sufficiency for its own oil supply, an important and dramatic discovery of reserves must happen this decade, otherwise keeping along current trends the reserves logged would not supply the country past 2018, according to a government report.

Tuesday, May 6th, 2014
The tricky definition of ‘gas production’ in Colombia

The tricky definition of ‘gas production’ in Colombia

An innocent question – are there official forecasts of natural gas production? – led to an interesting discussion of the definition of ‘production’ at least as used by industry in Colombia.

Thursday, May 1st, 2014
What to do about cheaper gasoline?

What to do about cheaper gasoline?

The government has received substantial political pressure to lower fuel prices, but Ecopetrol (NYSE:EC) says it will continue to produce fuels despite a price that cuts into their margins and in turn, their ability to invest.

Tuesday, April 29th, 2014

Hydroelectric energy projected to cover energy needs in coming months

Despite higher average temperatures and droughts in regions such as Casanare, authorities say that the national energy grid should have no problem covering energy demand from hydroelectric dams, even if rainfall over the next couple of months is lower than expected.

Monday, April 21st, 2014

MinMinas talks policy, prices

This week the Ministry of Mines and Energy (MinMinas) issued a number of statements covering policy items, including a lesson on international price trends, a message of support for the mining and energy sector from President Juan Manuel Santos and a forecast that fuel prices would fall.

Thursday, April 10th, 2014