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Fuel prices drop, but not enough say critics

Fuel prices drop, but not enough say critics

The government announced a slight drop in fuel prices as it covers shortfalls in the fuel stabilization fund, which has politicians and the fuel industry retailers calling foul.

Tuesday, January 13th, 2015
Year-end crude oil prices: where is the floor?

Year-end crude oil prices: where is the floor?

Benchmark crude oil prices peaked in the week of June 14 to 20 and have fallen virtually every week since then.

Wednesday, January 7th, 2015

Meta looks past oil to compensate for lower oil prices

The Meta department is home to the lion’s share of oil production in Colombia, which local leaders say make it dependent on the industry and vulnerable to drops in the final price of a barrel. Some are calling for the government to contribute more to agricultural industries to compensate.

Wednesday, December 17th, 2014
Gas production falls again

Gas production falls again

The attention always goes to crude oil production which gets the headlines. But there are worrisome trends in gas production as well.

Thursday, December 11th, 2014

Liquidity, FDI are collateral damage of the oil price drop

With oil prices falling, investment for new projects from foreign investors is being pinched, which will leave its mark on Colombia and the country’s ability to compete for attention in a market where supply overwhelms demand.

Thursday, November 27th, 2014

Gazel expects up to 30,000 buses, trucks running on natural gas within 10 years

Terpel’s Gazel chain says that it expects that within 5-10 years there will be up to 30,000 buses and trucks running on natural gas instead of diesel.

Monday, November 24th, 2014
Oil prices down, but fuel prices slow to follow

Oil prices down, but fuel prices slow to follow

The government’s formula to fix gasoline prices aims for stability despite changes in the international price of oil, for better or worse. But some are questioning who is benefiting when oil prices have dropped over 20% in the last six months, but fuel prices less than 2%.

Wednesday, November 19th, 2014

New plants in 2015, 2016, regulations, set to grow biofuel use

With two new large biofuels refining plants planned for 2015 and 2016 and regulations that will increase the ethanol mixture in gasoline to 13.6% next year, the consumption of biofuels could grow by more than 50% in two years, says the president of the National Fuels Federation (Fedecombustibles) Jorge Bendeck.

Tuesday, November 18th, 2014

Reacting to lower prices, according to Acosta

The former Ministry of Mines and Energy, Amylkar Acosta, says considering the decrease in oil prices Ecopetrol (NYSE:EC) and the industry must lower costs and guarantee a functioning pipeline system in this new scenario.

Monday, November 17th, 2014