GeoPark Limited (NYSE: GPRK) announced its operational update for the three-month period ended December 31, 2023 and presented its 2024 work program.
Despite uncertain future cash flows as President Gustavo Petro dismantles everything the NOC has accomplished in the past 20 years and the whiff of scandal around CEO, Ricardo Roa, Ecopetrol’s share price is higher than it was when Petro was sworn in on August 8th, 2022. What do minority investors see that we poor mortal scribes do not?
The National Environmental Licensing Agency (ANLA) initiated three environmental penalty proceedings against Perenco Colombia Limited for environmental mismanagement in Casanare.
Parex Resources Inc. (TSX: PXT) published its 2024 budget and announced positive test results at its Arauca-8 exploration well (50% W.I.).
In recent days, Ocensa raised concerns about a potential rupture in the oil pipeline at kilometer 235 due to pipe damage and the inability to perform maintenance due to community blockades.
NG Energy International Corp. (TSXV: GASX) announce that, with its partners Olympo and Duemav in the Maria Conchita Block and with Clean Energy and Oleum in the SN9 Block, it has increased reserves at both Maria Conchita and Sinu-9 as part of an updated independent analysis by Sproule International Limited (Sproule).
GeoPark Limited (NYSE: GPRK) announced an operating activity update in the Llanos 123 (GeoPark operated, 50% WI) and Llanos 87 (GeoPark operated, 50% WI) blocks in Colombia.
Parex (TSX: PXT), La Esperanza Civil Society Natural Reserve, and the Orinoquia Autonomous Regional Corporation (CORPORINOQUIA) joined forces to achieve a conservation milestone.
Canacol Energy Ltd. (TSX: CNE) provided the following gas sales and drilling operations update, along with announcement of quarterly dividend.
GeoPark announced the appointment of a new Chief Financial Officer (CFO).