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Company News

Rubiales decision expected in June

The much anticipated and debated future of the Rubiales field appears to have a day of reckoning ahead, with local press saying a decision will be made in June on the future of its production contract, currently operated by Pacific Rubiales Energy (TSX:PRE).

Tuesday, May 20th, 2014

Santos delivers license for refinery in Meta

President Juan Manuel Santos visited Villavicencio, Meta, delivered the environmental permit approved by the National Environmental Licensing Authority (ANLA) last week and promised support for the Llanos Refinery for Meta’s capital.

Monday, May 19th, 2014

PRE workers union criticizes anti-oil protests

The president of the National Hydrocarbons Energy Industry Workers Union (Uten) Alejandro Ospina rejected reports that affiliated workers had joined a protest of Pacific Rubiales (TSX:PRE) in Bogotá and said there is an effort to stigmatize the industry.

Wednesday, May 14th, 2014
Parex sees production grow to new record, acquires Verano Energy to focus on Llanos

Parex sees production grow to new record, acquires Verano Energy to focus on Llanos

Parex Resources (TSX:PXT) says its production has grown to a historic level during the 1Q14 and announced the acquisition of Verano Energy, part of a plan to consolidate its operations in the Southern Llanos basin.

Tuesday, May 13th, 2014
Canacol grows production, accelerates Colombia drilling program

Canacol grows production, accelerates Colombia drilling program

Canacol Energy (TSX:CNE) reported its fiscal year third quarter 2014 results which included operational and financial gains bright enough for the company to accelerate its investments in drilling programs for Colombia.

Tuesday, May 13th, 2014

ECP’s Gutiérrez visits Huila to showcase NOC impact

Ecopetrol’s (NYSE:EC) president Javier Gutiérrez attended an event in Neiva, Huila to showcase the advances that the NOC has made in the southern region of the country, highlighting production and the return for the local community.

Monday, May 12th, 2014
Rubiales production falls, but PRE keeps total numbers up

Rubiales production falls, but PRE keeps total numbers up

Pacific Rubiales Energy (TSX:PRE) reported its results from the first quarter 2014, and even though its flagship Rubiales field felt a drop in production, it managed to keep its total production figures on the rise, a sign the firm’s leadership says demonstrates a more diverse production base.

Thursday, May 8th, 2014

Production flat, but profits tighten for Gran Tierra Energy

Gran Tierra Energy (TSX:GTE) kept its production in Colombia and other markets in South America relatively flat in the first quarter 2014 compared to last year despite pipeline complications and a dependence on trucks. The average realized price took a hit though, and both revenues and profits for the firm slipped.

Wednesday, May 7th, 2014

ECP expects Caño Limon running this week

Ecopetrol (NYSE:EC) officials said during its first quarter 2014 conference call that crews working on the Caño Lion-Coveñas pipeline should have it running five days after starting work, and gave estimates as how many barrels of crude it loses everyday due to attacks.

Monday, May 5th, 2014
Operational issues, price drop cut into Ecopetrol 1Q14 results

Operational issues, price drop cut into Ecopetrol 1Q14 results

Ecopetrol (NYSE:EC) confirmed that the operational reality on the ground is cutting into its production abilities, which has coupled with increased costs and lower oil prices for a rough first quarter 2014 for the NOC.

Wednesday, April 30th, 2014