The director of the ANLA said that plans are on track to have reference terms for the environmental licensing of nonconventional exploration and production by November.
This article is not about Interoil despite the title of the graph. Instead, Interoil’s recent May production announcement brought us to this graph which we thought illustrated perfectly a more universal issue.
Natural gas producer Promigás has been offered up to US$100M in financing from the Interamerican Development Bank to improve its “Brilla” lending program due to its success in helping the bottom of the pyramid.
The Colombian hydrocarbons sector will receive COP10Tr (US$5.26B) in infrastructure investments over the next six years, says the vice minister of energy Orlando Cabrales (formerly the head of the National Hydrocarbons Agency — ANH).
Better protection for union leaders has been a resurgent theme and last week was the only issue the USO addressed in statements on its website.
Counts were back up to 41 above recent and long-term averages. Once again, this was a below average week for guerrilla-initiated. Our 4-week Moving Average incident count was steady at 35.3 incidents and the 52 week average was up to 38.7 incidents per week.
Once fully operational in August, the Bicentennial Pipeline will move 110,000 barrels of oil daily to the expense of around 3300 trucks that will no longer be used to transport crude.
The land reform deal which the Farc and government delegates announced on Sunday May 26 continued to get reactions from the political spectrum in Colombia and beyond.
In 2013 almost none of the assigned royalties from mining and energy production have been executed for regional projects and last year the investment of these funds amounted to only 5% of the total COP9.1TR (US$4.77B).
After allegedly skipping out on repeated debates in the congressional Fifth Commission, congressional members are looking to police intervention to get the head of the Authority of Environmental Licenses Luz Helena Sarmiento to heed their summons.