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USO calls for Pacific Rubiales to be kicked out of the country

The USO held another “ethical judgment” session and called on Pacific Rubiales Energy to be expelled from Colombia for what it says are systematic violations of the right to freely form a union and said that it would be setting up an operational commission to specifically monitor its actions.

Monday, August 19th, 2013

Casanare government calls for safety protocol to consider lifting transport restrictions

Following an early August resolution to restrict heavy trucks on Casanare roadways during weekends and holidays, the department’s secretary of public works Wilson Arenas has said in order to consider lifting the restrictions, oil producers must implement a safety protocol.

Monday, August 19th, 2013
Distracted and diverted

Distracted and diverted

Incidents near areas of interest to the oil and gas industry were back up this week to 20 but that is still well below recent and long-term averages. This was an above average week for non-armed forces reported/guerrilla-initiated incidents. This dropped our 4-week Moving Average incident count up to 22.8 and the 52 week average dropped as well to 37.9 incidents per week.

Sunday, August 18th, 2013
Pacific Rubiales mulling purchase of light crude producer

Pacific Rubiales mulling purchase of light crude producer

In order to reduce transportation costs Pacific Rubiales is mulling the purchase of a light oil producer in Colombia, as it could mix the lighter crude with its heavier product making it apt for pipeline transport and lower costs.

Thursday, August 15th, 2013

Yopal Municipality says oil producers have environmental debt with community

Members of municipal authorities questioned plans to extend the Carmentea Pipeline near the city of Yopal and accused oil operators in the region of not respecting rural communities and the environment.

Thursday, August 15th, 2013

Peace Process week of August 12: Another recess as talk turns to the media

The latest round of peace talks in Havana came to an end last Saturday, giving pause before the next round starts on August 19th. The role of the media and guarantees to the political opposition have been central themes in talks, which are on the second of five established agenda issues.

Thursday, August 15th, 2013

Land titling on hold in Casanare due to wells

A law prohibiting the procurement of land within a 5KM diameter of an oil well in Casanare has the titling process of land at a standstill in the department.

Thursday, August 15th, 2013

Strong production growth in 2Q13 for Parex

Canadian oil producer Parex, posted strong gains in daily production and reserves in the 2Q13, while revenues and profits fell. The company is confident its position and growth in Colombia will continue.

Wednesday, August 14th, 2013

Cepcolsa meets with Aguazul community, well blockade lifted

After a number of families raised protests against oil producer Cepcolsa and set up a blockade in the access to a local well, company and community officials met to discuss labor and social guarantees in the Sevilla village.

Wednesday, August 14th, 2013

CSR Stories from July, August

A number of corporate social responsibility (CSR) projects have been completed or announced over the last few weeks which show a more positive side of community and industry relations. Many are too small to warrant a full story, but together paint a picture of how the oil sector’s resources can benefit local communities.

Wednesday, August 14th, 2013