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Reficar modernization on the final stretch, new budget approved

Reyes Reinoso, president of Ecopetrol’s Cartagena Refinery (Reficar) spoke with regarding the refinery’s modernization project. According to the executive, the project is now in its final stage and Ecopetrol’s board of directors have now approved a proposed increase in the total budget.

Monday, May 13th, 2013

USO claims broad scale discontent in Meta.

The USO claims 9,000 people attended a rally last week in Meta to denounce abuses to workers and the community by oil and gas companies. As we have described recently, the USO is tapping into a current of popular discontent in the department, caused principally by changes in the royalty distribution scheme.

Monday, May 13th, 2013

Colombia at a Glance April 2013

Click on the icon below to download the latest pdf

Monday, May 13th, 2013
ELN trying to get the government’s attention

ELN trying to get the government’s attention

Counts were up significantly to 41 considerably above recent and long-term averages. This was an average week for non-Armed Forces i.e. guerrilla-initiated events which means both guerrilla and Armed Forces activities were up. Our 4-week Moving Average incident count was up to 34.5 incidents and the 52 week average was up to 37.5 incidents per week.

Sunday, May 12th, 2013

MinAmbiente launches free online tool for high-level environmental planning

The Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development has developed a quick, free, online tool for assessing whether a project is, or is not likely to run into problems with the National Environmental Licensing Agency. We have tried it out and provide our comments after the first translated article.

Thursday, May 9th, 2013

New ANLA Deputy Director inherits the firing zone

There is a new Deputy Director of the section of the National Environmental Licensing Agency that is responsible for the technical parts of permitting. This puts her at the heart of the difficult balancing job. From an ANLA press release, translated and with commentary by Hydrocarbons Colombia.

Thursday, May 9th, 2013

One step forward, two steps back

The eighth round of peace talks ended last week in Havana. Representatives of the government and the FARC issued a joint statement that outlined the progress of the process. The official statement highlighted progress but, as usual, the un-official communications undo what gets accomplished at the negotiating table.

Thursday, May 9th, 2013
Crude oil production above 1Mbd for second month in a row

Crude oil production above 1Mbd for second month in a row

Just in time for the Minister’s speech to the CinMiPetrol conference next week in Cartagena, the Ministry announces a second consecutive month with crude oil production above 1Mbd. April’s number was 1,006,799bd which was below the record 1,013,481bd last month but still above the objective and much better than February’s result.

Wednesday, May 8th, 2013

Government jump starts royalties project approvals with OCADTONs

Sounding like something from a Transformers movie and merging the acronym ‘OCAD’ (for the initials in Spanish of the boards that approve projects looking for royalty money) and ‘marathon’, the invented word ‘OCADton’ is supposed to reassure local municipalities that the process is working faster in 2013. From a DNP press release, translated and with commentary by Hydrocarbons Colombia.

Wednesday, May 8th, 2013
Gran Tierra makes it look easy

Gran Tierra makes it look easy

It is not easy but it certainly looks that way when production rises over 40% year-over-year and over 50% sequentially. Revenue, Net Income, Cash are all up over last year. Even 44 days of TransAndino Pipeline interruptions could not prevent Gran Tierra from having a grand quarter.

Wednesday, May 8th, 2013