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Catatumba pipeline bombings creating environmental disaster

More than 40 points of the Catatumba pipeline were detonated over the weekend creating an environmental emergency as crude flows into the surrounding area.

Wednesday, June 26th, 2013

Oil firms deny water risk in Casanare due to seismic explorations

Following reports that seismic explorations in the foothills of Casanare were affecting on local water supplies, even drying up rivers, two of the oil companies operating in the region have said they are completely within the law and the tests are low impact.

Tuesday, June 25th, 2013

Ecopetrol Pintuco agree to sell new paint technology to wider market

Colombian paint specialist Pintuco has reached an agreement with Ecopetrol to commercialize the later’s MCO-R paint technology in the domestic market as part of a technology transfer and innovation program run by the state oil firm.

Tuesday, June 25th, 2013

Ecopetrol could award Barrancabermeja Refinery modernization contract in 2014

Ecopetrol could have the requirements and details of a modernization project of the Barrancabermeja Refinery ready by the end of the year, which would mean it would award contracts to do the work during 2014.

Tuesday, June 25th, 2013

USO promises more legal action

Over the last week the USO said that it would ramp up legal action against what it says are abuses occurring in the mining, hydroelectrical and oil sectors of Colombia. A public meeting in mid-July in Meta will serve as the lead off.

Monday, June 24th, 2013

Tibu protests worsen: Deaths reported, coca farming a fundamental issue

Protests which started in the city of Tibú, in the Norte de Santander department have turned increasing violent as local mayors are calling on the national government for help. According to reports in the local press, a fundamental cause of the protests is the eradication of coca crops without an alternative crop or subsidies to compensate affected families.

Monday, June 24th, 2013

Santos counters new Farc demands: “Keep your word”

Colombia’s President Juan Manuel Santos on Sunday called on the Farc to keep their word and stick to the agreed agenda in the peace negotiations in Havana, discarding any notion that he would negotiate on the new terms.

Monday, June 24th, 2013
When numbers do not tell the story

When numbers do not tell the story

Counts were down slightly to 29 below recent and long-term averages. This was a normal week for non-armed forces reported i.e. guerrilla-initiated incidents. Our 4-week Moving Average incident count was down to 32.3 incidents but the 52 week average was up slightly again to 39.1 incidents per week.

Sunday, June 23rd, 2013

Gov draws line in Drummond and Cerrejón gas and coal deadlock

In the absence of an agreement between mining firms Drummond and Cerrejón over methane gas and coal reserves in La Guajira, the government has said it will step in and impose a decision to break the ongoing deadlock over how to extract the resources which share the same block.

Thursday, June 20th, 2013

Energy minister: time to encourage renewable energies

Colombia’s minister of mines and energy Federico Renjifo told a renewable energy forum that the government is willing and needs to develop mechanisms to spur a greater use of clean and renewable energies in its energy grid.

Thursday, June 20th, 2013