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Flat first half for production

Flat first half for production

After a substantial run-up in production in the later months of 2012, oil production and for that matter, total production has been just about flat.

Monday, July 15th, 2013

One million new gas users since Santos took office

The Colombian government says one million new users have been connected to the natural gas network Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos took office in August 2010.

Monday, July 15th, 2013

Canadian delegation makes visit to USO event

The USO held in Puerto Gaitán the first of its “Oil Ethical and Political Public Hearing”, aimed at the “multinationals and companies that extract hydrocarbon in the region”. The union has been campaigning for these public gatherings for about three weeks now, and this week focused its statements on Pacific Rubiales in particular.

Monday, July 15th, 2013
Three weeks in a row at 23

Three weeks in a row at 23

For the third week in a row counts were identical at 23 below recent and long-term averages. This was an average week for non-armed forces reported/guerrilla-initiated incidents. Our 4-week Moving Average incident count was down to 24.5 incidents (down for the eighth straight week) but the 52 week average was essentially stable at 39.0 incidents per week.

Sunday, July 14th, 2013

Peace Summary week of July 8: Farc influencing unrest?

This week saw the close of another round of talks in Habana, but the news surrounding the peace process came from Colombia again as accusations that the Farc are orchestrating social unrest in Colombia took center stage. Meanwhile the political spectrum positions for an upcoming election and reacts to the ongoing peace dialogue.

Thursday, July 11th, 2013

Naturgas opposes public auction for wholesale gas, says will increase prices

The Natural Gas Association (Naturgas) says that proposed changes that would institute a system of public auctions to set wholesale prices as proposed by Colombia’s Energy Regulatory Commission and Gas – CREG would lead to price increases and opposes the system.

Thursday, July 11th, 2013
Parex publishes good news for shareholders and the country

Parex publishes good news for shareholders and the country

Parex made a somewhat unusual midyear announcement of its reserves and a more usual announcement of its 2Q13 production. Both stories are very good but the reserves story is spectacular. By the close on Thursday, July 11 2013, the stock was up 17% from its Tuesday close.

Thursday, July 11th, 2013

Propane distributors to form industry association

GasWith an eye on formalizing a disperse sector that has consolidated over the last three years, 12 propane distributors representing 70% of the market have agreed to form a new industry association to represent their interests.

Wednesday, July 10th, 2013

Villavicencio council members challenge Santos to a debate over oil issues

The municipal council members of Villavicencio have sent a formal request to Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos to debate issues surrounding hydrocarbons exploration and extraction in the surrounding area.

Wednesday, July 10th, 2013
Canacol riding up on positive operations news

Canacol riding up on positive operations news

Canacol issued an operations update announcing a new well in production and positive overall momentum. MinMinas and investors took interest.

Wednesday, July 10th, 2013