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Petrominerales stock up today after 3Q12 results report

Petrominerales announced the company’s 3Q12 results and investors certainly liked what they heard. At one point the stock was up nearly 11% just before noon Eastern. The company told a good story for potential exploration opportunities but the 3Q12 results themselves were not inspiring. Quarterly production was down 29% year-over-year and 15% quarter-over-quarter. The excitement seemed to come from the company changing the profile of its debt (saving cash) and buying back common shares.

Monday, November 5th, 2012
Security Summary for week ending November 3, 2012

Security Summary for week ending November 3, 2012

Incidents are down again for the third straight week and are just about back to the level they were just before peace talks began. It would be very bad analytic practice to suggest a pattern from a single cycle but these results are consistent with a theory that things will get worse while the sides are actually at the table, going back to “normal” afterward.

Sunday, November 4th, 2012

President Santos encourages capital cities to take their share of royalties

On November 1, 2012, Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos addressed a summit of mayors of the departmental capitals. The president wanted to address the mayors’ main concerns so the whole speech touched on health, security and royalties. Below we translate the portion of the speech dealing with the latter topic. It is important for the hydrocarbons industry that royalties are well spent and give visibility to its contributions. From the President’s website. Extracted, translated and with commentary by Hydrocarbons Colombia.

Sunday, November 4th, 2012

Natural Gas Development Fund approves 7 new projects

Resources from this fund were approved for financing 7 of natural gas networks and connections infrastructure projects by Resolution 180 458 (August 2012). From a MinMinas press release. Translated, edited and with commentary by Hydrocarbons Colombia.

Saturday, November 3rd, 2012

Ecopetrol transfers hydrocarbons transport assets to Cenit

Ecopetrol announced that it transferred a package of assets to its subsidiary Cenit, a hydrocarbons transport company, in exchange for 45,582,982 shares. This contribution is part of a corporate reorganization in the hydrocarbons transport and logistics business line of Colombia’s national oil company, Ecopetrol.

Thursday, November 1st, 2012

Colombian Natural Gas Association Business Roundtable

The Colombian Natural Gas Association (Naturgas) will hold a business roundtable with producers, distributors and entrepreneurs to look for innovative business opportunities. The event will be held in Bogota on November 15/16, 2012. From a Naturgas press release. Translated and with commentary by Hydrocarbons Colombia.

Thursday, November 1st, 2012

The largest projects approved under the new royalty system

The Colombian Congress has approved a CoP$17.7T (US$9.2B) royalty budget for the period 2013 – 2014. The Governing Committee (Comisión Rectora) approved this amount to be distributed to the various funds of the royalty system over the next two years. This was announced by MinHacienda, Mauricio Cárdenas, who highlighted the importance of the initiative for creating equity in Colombia. Cárdenas also said two efforts are being unified, the one of government through the Nation’s Budget and the one of regions through royalties, so as many projects can be done as possible, for the progress and prosperity the country seeks.

Thursday, November 1st, 2012

Fitch upgrades Pacific Rubiales Issuer Default Ratings to BB+ Stable Outlook

Fitch Ratings has given a huge endorsement to Pacific Rubiales by quality of their debt with a stable outlook. In their report, the rating agency analyses the company’s strengths and weaknesses to come to its positive outlook. The company’s biggest challenge is the potential for what is currently its biggest asset – Pirri/Rubiales field – to be returned to Ecopetrol in 2016. This fact, misinterpreted by congressman Simon Gaviria, caused a temporary flutter in the stock price last week. Fitch’s upgrade assumes the field will be returned, saying the company has enough strength to overcome even this.

Thursday, November 1st, 2012

Canacol updates Colombian exploration

In a press release, Canacol updated its activities in the VMM 2, Cedrela and LLA 23 blocks. The latter two are still at initial stages so the news was mostly about VMM 2. Canacol is not the operator – it has a 20% working interest – but given the block’s adjacency to the 100% Canacol Santa Isabela block, the company hopes to get relevant information as well as oil.

Wednesday, October 31st, 2012