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Petroleum engineers best paid grads in 2011

Thursday, October 11th, 2012 Category: Company News
Petroleum engineers best paid grads in 2011

Source: MinEducation, Hydrocarbons Colombia
October 11, 2012
For the second straight year, petroleum engineers lead the Ministry of Education’s annual survey of outgoing graduates. The study looks at 2010 graduates and how they fared in 2011, whether they had a job, whether their education served them in their work and how much they were paid. The above chart shows that petroleum engineers were closely followed by geologists which shows how important mining and hydrocarbons are to Colombian growth. The two groups were nearly tied in starting salary — 31% higher than the third-ranked profession. They were nearly tied as well in success at finding a job: only about 5% failed to get a job in their first year.

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