Bogota, June 19, 2012 Business newspaper reports that the Government has increased the number of blocks in the 2012 Round from 109 to 115 blocks.
Sixteenth Brigade continues offensives against crime June 19, 2012 The constant development of military operations conducted by the Sixteenth Brigade, Eighth Division, allowed it to location a stash of arms, belonging to the criminal elements in the state.
Ecopetrol S.A. announced today the incorporation of Cenit S.A.S., a wholly owned subsidiary company specialized in hydrocarbon transport and logistics in Colombia.
June 14, 2012 Business newspaper reports about 1,232 tons of coal were scattered in the Fenoco rail corridor. The derailment of 22 of the 97 train cars carrying coal from the mine of La Jagua de Ibirico (Cesar) to port Prodeco.
June 15, 2012 A weather phenomenon as ‘El Niño’ can not be ruled out in late 2014 or 2015 and is necessary to ensure reliability in the delivery of public services, even in extreme conditions.
Bogota, June 14, 2012. “We have all conditions for the mining and energy boom to be an opportunity for true prosperity.”