August 28, 2012 Bottom Line: Little new hear and more inspirational speech than concrete recommendations. He exhorts business people to “go beyond” with their CSR programs. One thing is to “go beyond” and another is to substitute for an absent state.
August 26, 2012 PetroDorado provided its 2Q12 results recently and its MDA report is primarily a review of its production activity. Moriche Block: The company’s only interest in this Llanos block is in the process of sale which the company expects to conclude in the second half of 2012 (PetroDorado 49%, Pacific Rubiales 51%).
August 27, 2012 As of 12:00 Bogota, 1:00pm Eastern, 11:00am Calgary/Houston WTI was at US$94.74, down over US$2.00 from its opening price and US$1.50 from its Friday close.
August 25, 2012 Mauricio Cardenas — who continues to act as MinMinas until a replacement is named — told RCN Radio that Colombian border departments like La Guajira and Norte de Santander rely on Venezuelan gasoline.
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August 24, 2012 Amerisur Resources reports on its Platanillo field in southern Putumayo, in the eastern portion of the municipality of Puerto Asis.