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MinMinas wants to strengthen the gas sector.

Last week was the natural gas industry association’s annual conference and he minister’s speech is a much anticipated event. MinMinas Renjifo did not disappoint the crowd with the breadth of his speech but we understand the content has the industry concerned over certain points. From a MinMinas press release, translated and with commentary by Hydrocarbons Colombia.

Monday, March 25th, 2013

All the players now in place after government personnel shifts

Maybe he took vacation or maybe these things just take time. The changes were announced weeks ago and the former head of the ANH, Orlando Cabrales, has already made a few speeches in his new capacity as Vice-Minister of Energy. The new head just took possession last week and has made no public comments. From a MinMinas press release, translated and with commentary by Hydrocarbons Colombia.

Monday, March 25th, 2013

Inefficient use of resources to promote gas use

Portafolio reported that during the XVI Naturgas Congress, the superintendent of Domestic Public Services, César González Muñoz, said the management of the Gas Development Fee Fund budget has been inefficient, because the US$30.5M (77% of total approved projects) invested between 2007 and 2012 benefited only 54,601 of the 78,823 users the government expected to benefit.

Monday, March 25th, 2013

Reficar and Oxy edge closer to strikes

The USO reports this week that workers at Reficar and with Oxy are getting closer to strikes, the union says because local management refuses to talk. In the Reficar case, the USO claims that executives from Bogota have contacted the union but Reficar management will not set up the mechanisms to start negotiating. In the case of Oxy workers in Arauca, the union has presented demands but the company will not budge.

Monday, March 25th, 2013
The Army takes the initiative

The Army takes the initiative

Incidents were down this week to 40 just about the long term average. Again this week a higher than recent average number of the items were initiated by the Armed Forces which is a good sign. In fact, the ratio is sufficiently high to think that either the traditional media are only reporting extreme events or the Farc are relatively quiet. (On average during the past year, 75% of incidents have been initiated by the Armed Forces and this week the percentage is 90%.) Our 4-week Moving Average was up slightly at 43 incidents per week closer to what amounts to a long-term average.

Sunday, March 24th, 2013

Seventh round of peace talks conclude

This week concluded the seventh round of peace talks and both the government and the FARC commented on it. The parties issued a joint statement in which they say: “We continue to make progress on discussion of the first item on the agenda and in building agreements on issues of access and use of land, undeveloped land, property formalization, agricultural frontier and protection of reserves areas.”

Friday, March 22nd, 2013