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Just an average week An average number of incidents and a TransAndino attack

Just an average week An average number of incidents and a TransAndino attack

Counts were back up to 37 almost exactly at the average of the previous 52 weeks (36.5). On average during the past year, 85% of incidents have been initiated by the Armed Forces and this week the percentage is almost exactly that at 84%. Our 4-week Moving Average incident count was down 5% to 36.5 incidents per week exactly the 52 week average.

Sunday, April 14th, 2013
Building local skills

Building local skills

The graph shows the percentage of oil and gas employment which is sourced locally. These survey estimates come the annual Hays “Oil and Gas Global Salary Guide”, a fascinating look into the structure of industry employment. Considering industry comments about finding talent, it is perhaps surprising to see that South America sits in the middle of the chart, with a level of local sourcing ahead of Africa and just behind North America.

Friday, April 12th, 2013

March for Peace and ELN intransigence

April 9th has much symbolic value for Colombians. On that day in 1948, a great popular leader Jorge Eliécer Gaitán was assassinated in Bogotá. His death precipitated a riot that destroyed buildings and businesses in the city center. Many were killed as government troops fired on the crowds. More importantly, it was the starting point for a wave of civil inter-factional violence that eventually resulted in the founding of the Farc and later the ELN. This year was the 65th anniversary of Gaitan’s death and with the possibility of peace as a backdrop, support grew for a march to mark the date and show that the civil population wanted the talks to go well..

Friday, April 12th, 2013

ANLA’s Accountability Report

On Friday April 5th, the National Environmental Licensing Authority (ANLA) convened the general public, representatives of the public and private sectors, control agencies, nongovernmental organizations, ethnic minorities, rural associations and academics to participate in the 2012 Accountability Public Hearing.

Friday, April 12th, 2013

Government lowers exploration expectation despite the need for more

Yesterday we published a calculation that the country needed something like 350 exploratory wells to have a good chance at reserves remaining flat with production at 1Mbd. This number is 2.7 times the record number of exploratory wells achieved last year. It was not an opinion, it was a calculation based on recent statistical evidence. Now today the National Hydrocarbons Agency (ANH) announces it is lowering – not raising – its expectations for exploratory drilling, for this year and next. From the ANH website, translated and with commentary by Hydrocarbons Colombia.

Thursday, April 11th, 2013

New story at the ANH but is it real life or is it fantasy

We have heard Orlando Cabrales give the speech so many times while he was president of the National Hydrocarbons Agency (ANH) that we could probably deliver the slides ourselves, perhaps even in our sleep. Now German Arce Zapata has taken over. He avoided the CWC Colombia Oil and Gas Summit and Exhibition in Cartagena, leaving that job to MinMinas Renjifo and went to Punta del Este in Uruguay to deliver, if not his maiden speech then one of this first presentations. We are just not sure we like the message. From an ANH press release, translated and with comments by Hydrocarbons Colombia

Thursday, April 11th, 2013