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Interoil saying goodbye to Colombia

Interoil saying goodbye to Colombia

Interoil published its 3Q12 results and they were not encouraging. There was a net loss in the quarter of US$7.1M and year to date Net Income is down by about 2/3 from 2011. Earlier we documented the continuing decline of Interoil’s Colombian production. Near the bottom of Interoil’s 3Q12 results was the statement “The production decline is a direct result of reduced investment activity due to liquidity constraints. To address this issue, the board has initiated a sales process in Colombia”.

Thursday, November 22nd, 2012

Ecopetrol maintains its crude oil production target for this year despite TransAndino attack

National business newspaper La Republica reported that Ecopetrol says that despite the attacks of 17 November to Transandino pipeline, management expects to meet its goal of producing around 780,000 bpd on average by the end of this year. Note that this figure is likely production before royalties (see our November Monthly Report). We estimate it is the equivalent of about 655,200 bpd as usually measured (Net of Working Interest and Royalties).

Wednesday, November 21st, 2012

Will the Farc truce hold in the south? Anywhere?

The Farc surprised everyone last Friday by announcing a unilateral truce to last for two months. They said they were suspending all attacks against civilian, government and private targets. Of course, they had just blown up the TransAndino pipeline the day before so they went out with a bang so to speak. The government immediately said they would not reciprocate, consistent with their line since the beginning of the peace process. What is worrisome are rumors that Farc commanders in the south may not comply with their leaders’ orders.

Wednesday, November 21st, 2012

Is Colombian Foreign Direct Investment on the right path or not?

The Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism reported that Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) destined to sectors not related to mining and energy increased from US$1.299,1M in November 2010 to US$2.634,1M in November 2012. During the course of 2012 the FDI indicator has grown by 12.9%.

Wednesday, November 21st, 2012
San Andres Blocks: Much ado about nothing – at least for Colombia

San Andres Blocks: Much ado about nothing – at least for Colombia

The Colombian press and congress is stirred up about the lost hydrocarbons potential of the territory that disappeared in the redrawing of the Colombia-Nicaraguan maritime border (see map by Hydrocarbons Colombia). Nicaragua adds fuel to the fire by publicly rubbing its hands with glee over the prospect of auctioning the zones to deep pocketed oil companies. That may indeed happen – although we think PDVSA will end up with them – but we do not believe this represents lost reserves, production or money to Colombia.

Wednesday, November 21st, 2012

Transgas Occidente invests US$5M in the relocation of part of the Mariquita-Cali pipeline

RCN Radio reports what appears to be a Transgas Occidente press release.

In November 2011 and May 2012 there were breaks in the line of the PK78 PK77 sector of the Mariquita-Cali pipeline. In order to repair these breaks, the Transgas de Occidente company has invested CoP$9,000M in a realignment of 550 meters. PK77-PK78 sector is located in the city of Manizales.

Tuesday, November 20th, 2012