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Forum on political participation takes center-stage in the peace process

This week the forum on political participation organized by the United Nations Office on Colombia and the Colombian National University Think Tank for Peace took place. The purpose of the forum was to create a space for participation in which citizens were invited to express their views on the peace process.

Thursday, May 2nd, 2013
HCC stock indices for 1Q13: Ecopetrol down and everyone else OK

HCC stock indices for 1Q13: Ecopetrol down and everyone else OK

Here we define a new set of stock price indices – Exploration Exposed and Production Exposed – where we exclude companies for which Colombia is only a minor part of their business (like Oxy or Petrobras).

Thursday, May 2nd, 2013

Talisman bets on Colombia

We have wanted to talk to Chris Spaulding of Talisman for some time now. Talisman’s worldwide strategy has changed considerably over the past year and especially since a change of CEO occurred in September, 2012.

Thursday, May 2nd, 2013

Colombia second largest ethanol producer in Latin America

Newspaper El Nuevo Siglo interviewed Jorge Bendeck, Fedebiocombustibles president, who referred to the advantages of using biofuels and the current state of the sector in the country. According Bendeck, although the government has supported the biofuels industry, it does not stimulate domestic consumption.

Wednesday, May 1st, 2013
MinMinas says oil reserves up 5.2 percent, gas up 5.7 percent

MinMinas says oil reserves up 5.2 percent, gas up 5.7 percent

The country’s reserve report for 2012 has been much anticipated because prior signals were not very positive. Government officials publicly worried about reserve-production ratios as did the Colombian Petroleum Association (ACP). The three of the largest companies (Ecopetrol, Pacific Rubiales, Petrominerales) did not have good years for oil exploration in Colombia. We think ‘Small Oil’ made up the difference. Overall, this is good news but our commentary points out that there is still much to do. From a MinMinas press release, translated and with commentary by Hydrocarbons Colombia

Wednesday, May 1st, 2013

MinMinas looks at crisis management

A timely workshop organized by MinMinas investigated crisis management for the hydrocarbons industry, presumably directed at the ongoing issue of community blockades. This is becoming a serious issue for many companies, more serious perhaps than the guerrilla so the ministry picked the right priority. From a MinMinas press release, translated and with commentary by Hydrocarbons Colombia.

Tuesday, April 30th, 2013