Our publication of Naturgas press releases and their criticism of statements by Santiago Urdinola, VP of Mining, Hydrocarbons and Energy at business persons’ association ANDI has sparked a reply from the ANDI. It seems the statement about potential gas shortages in 2019 were in fact based on well-informed study, in particular scenarios developed by the UPME, a MinMinas research institute on energy issues. We publish in full their letter to us and finish with our commentary.
National business newspaper Portafolio says Ronald Pantin, Pacific Rubiales CEO, announced that the company created a subsidiary to manage the infrastructure and transportation of hydrocarbons. According to Pantin, this measure will give visibility to US$2B that currently are not valued by the market and are invested in the Llanos Pipeline, the Bicentennial Pipeline, shares of the Petroeléctrica de los Llanos Company, the Cartagena Pipeline and the Puerto Bahia project.
GasSantiago Urdinola must wish he had never got out of bed the day he told a public audience that the country could face rationing as early as 2019. Since then fire and brimstone have rained down from the office of the natural gas industry association Naturgas.
Business magazine Dinero reported that the Dian penalized the oil company CECSA, a Canacol subsidiary, by closing of the CECSA offices from April 26 until April 29. The cause was an error in CECSA’s crude oil sales invoices. The error happened in 2008 and there was no tax evasion, which is why the Dian did not impose any fines on the company.
This the longer version of the ANDIs study on gas supply. From an ANDI press release, translated and with commentary by Hydrocarbons Colombia.
Oil gets much of the attention but from a domestic politics point of view, gas is perhaps more important. The government has been pushing development of gas as a substitute for dirtier fuels and as part of an integrated strategy for electrical generation. From a MinMinas press release, translated and with commentary by Hydrocarbons Colombia.