The Colombian fuel market received one of the heavyweights of the region this year, Primax, a subsidiary of the Romero Group. Carlos Gonzales, CEO of Primax, spoke about the firm’s plans in Colombia.
The USO’s new vice-president, Cesar Loza, spoke about what to expect from the union’s new board of directors.
Like most everyone else in the industry, Ecopetrol (NYSE:EC) is having a great year financially and statistically. However, the integrated nature of the the NOC means it takes a bit of work to see what is happening in just the E&P business.
Dear A: Thanks for the Don Julio Reposado the other night in your apartment. It was the perfect antidote to a damp and cold Bogotá night. I looked up the El Tiempo anti-fracking article that had disturbed you so much and it was full of so many half-truths and complete falsehoods, that I wrote this letter to clarify it for you.
Eric Flesh, President of Promigas, assumed the leadership of the firm recently. He spoke about the expansion plans of the firm in Colombia and the region.
The NOC spoke about the increase in local hiring levels nationwide, highlighting positive results.