Bottom Line: Local demand for hydrocarbons and coal remain important especially for gas. MinMinas continues with the theme of child labor in traditional mining.
Bottom Line: One of the challenges with Colombian civil society is that extractive industries are viewed only from the negative side of the ledger, especially environmental damage and the impact on traditional ways of life.
Bottom Line: Antioquia is perhaps the only Colombian state with a professional mines secretariat and the state is fiercely protective of its autonomy. Here are calm words by MinMinas about working together.
Bottom Line: Colombia is characterized as being a heavy oil producer because that’s what over 56% of the production is. However most fields are light (121) and obviously over 44% of production is lighter than heavy.
Bottom Line: Pacific Rubiales rating was maintained but the outlook improved from ‘stable’ to ‘positive’ reflecting the company’s financial and operational strength.
Bottom-Line: This is more about gold than coal/hydrocarbons and it deals with the Santurbán Paramo a unique ecosystem that provides water to Bucaramanga, Colombia’s fourth largest city.