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Hydrocarbons sector jobs in Colombia

According to a publication on mining and energy issues from the newspaper El Nuevo Siglo, Colombia is a leader in the creation of jobs in this sector. According to a study conducted by the Oil & Gas Division of the recruiting company Hays; there will be a increased demand for production and transportation jobs of the mining and energy sector in Colombia.

Tuesday, April 2nd, 2013
Vice-minister of Energy highlights coal bed methane opportunity

Vice-minister of Energy highlights coal bed methane opportunity

At the natural gas industry’s annual conference a few weeks ago, ex-ANH head and now Vice-minister of Energy, Orlando Cabrales, talked about the Coal Bed Methane (CBM) opportunity. The only National Hydrocarbons Agency (ANH) auction planned this year is for CBM and the next big oil and gas auction is not expected until 2014. Based on the data which we show in the above chart, Cabrales expects 23TCF of CBM to be available from the six top areas.

Monday, April 1st, 2013

The fracking debate begins

The Environment section of national newspaper El Espectador devoted nearly a full page of today’s edition to a report (from Spain’s El País) on a 5.7 magnitude quake in Prague, Oklahoma in 2011. The El País story in turn is based on a report in Geology magazine which concludes the quake was caused by the accumulated impact of 20 years of water reinjection from a conventional gas well. The photo used to illustrate the story, and indeed most of the story, has to do with the fracking debate and the relevance of this incident to nonconventional hydrocarbons development.

Monday, April 1st, 2013

USO and Oxy still fighting in Arauca

The dispute between the USO and Oxy is grinding away. On the one hand, the USO continues to complain that management is not listening and on the other, holding out the olive branch to continue to extend the dialogues. Last week between a holiday on Monday and then the traditional Colombian Easter holiday from Wednesday noon, the negotiating teams no doubt did not accomplish very much.

Monday, April 1st, 2013
A holiday break to finish our first year of data

A holiday break to finish our first year of data

This was Holy Week in Colombia, Easter in the Christian calendar, and by luck it corresponded this year with a holiday on Monday, March 25. This meant most of Colombia was on vacation virtually the whole week and the Armed Forces turned their focus to ensuring there were no embarrassing incidents affecting tourists. Lining the roads with soldiers when city dwellers are on the highways is also good publicity. Incidents were down this week to 34, below the long term average.

Sunday, March 31st, 2013
The unconventional challenge

The unconventional challenge

Orlando Cabrales attended a conference in Argentina on unconventional hydrocarbons a few weeks ago just as he was transitioning from being head of the National Hydrocarbons Agency (ANH) to being Vice-minister of Energy.

Saturday, March 30th, 2013