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Security summary for week ending October 27, 2012

Security summary for week ending October 27, 2012

Reported incidents were down this week for the second week in a row but the distribution of events was somewhat unusual with nearly half associated with the theft of crude or gasoline, or events near pipelines.

Sunday, October 28th, 2012

MinHacienda Cardenas praises new royalty scheme

The current Finance Minister and former Mines and Energy Minister, Mauricio Cardenas gives his evaluation of the new royalty system. The system has been theoretically in place since January but it really only got going in 2Q12. From a MinHacienda press release. Translated and with commentary by Hydrocarbons Colombia.

Friday, October 26th, 2012

Colombian services firm PetroTiger to distribute Zedi services

Canadian services firm Zedi Inc has selected PetroTiger, a Colombian oil services firm with operations in Colombia, Ecuador, Argentina, Mexico and Panama, to resell its services.

This is the first time that Zedi has authorized an international reseller.

Friday, October 26th, 2012
Environment Ministery declares offshore block “Specially Protected Area”

Environment Ministery declares offshore block “Specially Protected Area”

This map is the portion of the National Hydrocarbons Agency (ANLA)’s detailed map of exploration and production blocks in the area around the Caribbean islands of San Andres. The blue-grey color means the blocks are available for assignment but currently unassigned. It is doubtful if anyone will ask for them now. The Environment Ministry just had the area (known as “Seaflower”) declared one of 18 marine areas under the “Protocol on Specially Protected Wildlife Areas in the Caribbean Region”.

Thursday, October 25th, 2012

Pacific Rubiales would probably prefer Colombian politicians to think before they speak

Yesterday a prominent Colombian congressman, Simon Gaviria went on a national radio program and made a statement (which he attributed to the Finance Minister) about Pacific Rubiales that – if true – would have had a significant impact on the company’s future performance. We will not repeat it so we are not even accidentally responsible for continuing a rumor which is patently false./

Thursday, October 25th, 2012
Larger companies are more efficient

Larger companies are more efficient

We have been collecting financial and operational data on the companies with significant production in Colombia. Our database goes back to 2009 and so far covers nine companies in depth. The seven in the chart are sufficiently mature for us to estimate their average Operating Income for the last year. Economic theory says that larger companies in terms of revenue should have better margins if only because they can spread their fixed costs over a bigger base. Sometimes larger companies lose this advantage by being bloated and inefficient.

Thursday, October 25th, 2012