Privacy Policy

Hydrocarbons Colombia Data Privacy Policy

At Hydrocarbons Colombia, we take our responsibility for the protection of our customers’ personal data seriously.

We assure you it will only be used for purposes related to our business and that at any time you can request any change in your status, including deletion from our database.

The mechanisms through which we make use of these are safe and confidential, because we have the technological means to ensure they are suitably stored so as to prevent unwanted access by third parties, and to ensure the confidentiality of the same.

If you want your data to be deleted from our databases, we ask you to tell us expressly using the means outlined below. Otherwise, your consent will be deemed for us to use them for the following purposes:

  • Achieve an efficient communication regarding our products, services, offers, promotions, partnerships, research, contests, content, and those of our subsidiaries, and to provide general access to information thereof;
  • Provide our products and / or services;
  • Report new products and / or services that are related to or hired or acquired;
  • To comply with our obligations to our customers, suppliers, and employees;
  • Report changes in our products and / or services;
  • Evaluate the quality of our products and / or services, and
  • Perform internal research on consumer habits.

We remind you that you have the ability access your personal data at any time and the right to request explicitly, at any time, correction, update or deletion, in the terms established by Colombian Law 1581 of 2012 , by notice in writing to email , phone or by calling +57 316 875 6253.

To update your data , you can do so here:

European clients can be assured that our systems are compliant with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requirements. As above, you have the right to access your personal data at any time and the right to request explicitly, at any time, correction, update or deletion (‘forget me’) under the terms of the GDPR.

Since our service is subscription-based, we assume that either you or your company have made an explicit choice to receive our emails and to have access to our webpage.

Should that not be the case, and you wish to unsubscribe, you can do so by contacting us here: